Insight into Hazardous Material Codes

Ensuring the safe transport and handling of dangerous goods is critical in preventing accidents and protecting both people and the environment. Hazardous material codes play a vital role in the process by providing standardised guidelines for classifying, packaging and documenting hazardous materials. Among the various international regulations, the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code stands out as a key framework for maritime transport.

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Insight into the Industry-Wide Shift Towards a More Sustainable Future in Bitumen Operations

The bitumen industry stands as a cornerstone of global infrastructure development, with a pivotal role in the sustainable transformation of construction materials. The push from industry leaders in exploring new innovative strides and strategic adaptations aimed at diminishing the environmental impact of bitumen is essential to achieve the targets set out to achieve net-zero, but also provides an excellent opportunity for growth within our sector.

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Understanding The Rise of Shipping Costs in 2024

As we navigate through 2024, the global shipping industry has encountered a notable surge in freight rates across several major trading routes, signalling an early onset of what appears to be an unusually early peak season. Since the start of May, container spot rates have risen sharply, with the most pronounced increases seen from the Far East to North Europe, where rates have escalated by 30% since April 1st, reaching $4,343 per FEU by mid-May.

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Understanding the Benefits of Bulk Bitumen Storage

Aerial view of an Bitutainer Storage Facility with multiple rectangular Bitutainer storage tanks and a large white tanker truck with a cylindrical trailer, connected to the tanks by a network of pipes. The site is surrounded by greenery and other equipment.

Bitumen plays an indispensable role in road construction and infrastructure development across the globe. As the demand for more efficiency and sustainable construction materials increases, the industry is turning toward innovative solutions in bitumen storage. This blog explores how modern bulk bitumen storage technologies are setting new standards in efficiency, quality, and environmental responsibility.

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